I just came back from my latest prenatal appointment, and everything is fine. My results from my glucose screen, thyroid, and hemoglobin were all back. My doctor mentioned that my hemoglobin had dropped a bit, so I do need a bit more iron, but other than that I am good. I have gained....8lbs in 5 weeks, but again she said I am in normal ranges. So that puts me to a total gained so far...Aprox.24lbs.
The widwives here are training the doctors in waterbirths (as that is what Ian and I are planning for) and hope to be trained by the time this baby is due. She did tell me that if for some reason, she didn't feel comfortable with the waterbirth by the time this little one was due, that there is another doctor that has plenty under his belt (which also happens to be the doctor I had wanted to go with in the first place, but due to his busy practice I am unable to see him.)Oh well, I like the doctor I am with now, so whatever happens...happens!
My doctor also listened to the baby's heartbeat (of course) and said that "it" was facing down. The heartbeat per minute was 150...She said "Hmm, that is usually said to mean girl." I guess we'll see...