Thursday, December 27, 2007

Super Store photos

These pictures turned out quite well in reality, After scanning them, they don't look as great! In this picture of just Chase, he spotted a hockey stick at the store, and had a FIT until he could have it again, that is why he is in the picture with it! Whatever makes the kid smile for his pictures!!!

More Christmas pics

Whole lot of family!

It's pretty hard to ensure that everyone is going to be looking, smiling, and all that jazz, when you have this many people to work with!!! However, I still think it is pretty good!!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!


I thought for sure this year, Chase would be a little nervous of Santa, but he wasn't! He sat right on his lap, and was quite content to suck away on a candy cane while we took pictures! We never did take Chase down to the mall for pictures with Santa, but we were certainly lucky to have Santa make a special stop at my parents to see him!

This year, Chase wasn't overly excited to open presents, other than ripping bows off. He was however, very impressed with the lights. He tried to take those off the tree. He also made up a new game called "Tree Ornament Bowling." He would grab the round ball type ornaments off the tree and throw them down the hallway!


Monday, December 17, 2007

Spokane ~ Dec.07


So here is a video of Chase showing off his talents he learned in swimming lessons. He has "passed" his "starfish" & is able to continue on to "duck." Just so you know, Chase normally goes a bit further under water before being scooped up, but this was Dad's first time doing this with us, and he was a bit nervous!


Sunday, December 09, 2007

Is it JUST me, or is he cute!?!?!?

I guess, even if you said it was just me, I wouldn't believe you...~Chase has figured out how to open & close the cd & dvd drives on the computer!~

If I were told to give you words to describe Chase they would include: Curious, independent, fearless, strong, smart, loving, tough, aware, beautiful, and...strong-willed.

There is no doubt in my mind, that when Chase wants something, he does not give up easily. However, he is still a really sweet boy with a wonderful temperament. I absolutely adore him!
~ This is one of Chase's temper tantrums...~
~Double fisting!!~

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

You wouldn't believe it!!

Ok, but before I tell you what you won't believe, I have to start with the things that happened first in the day...
When I got Chase vaccinated the last time, the public health nurse was telling me about this "Toy lending library." What is that you ask? Well, it is a place that has toys of course, as well as books on parenting, and paints and craft things that you can buy at cost. Anyhow, what you do is pay $25 a year, and you borrow toys for up to a month at a time. (But you can change them as often as you like.) Anyhow, a friend of mine (Christine) and I went down to this place yesterday! Which, I have to tell you was great!!

There is this one toy that Chase looked at and played with every time we went to another store here in town, and let me tell you...When it was time to leave that store (and more importantly that toy) there was a temper tantrum!! (YIKES!!) What was this toy? A mini shopping cart! He loves pushing things around right now, and usually it's my chairs that are all over the house...Anyhow, to make a longer story shorter...At the toy lending library there was a shopping cart!! (The exact same one!!) Chase has been pushing it around, putting things in, taking things out, since we brought it home...he's really in his glory!!


Alright, now that I have told you that story, the most amazing thing ever!!! Yesterday was Chase's fifth swimming lesson! (Only three more after this one.) And we have been learning since day one to submerge them, and last week (the last class before yesterday) We did a qucik second release under water! Ok, very exciting!! So last night.....(I am bursting with excitement!!)


It just so happened to be, that when Chase had just finished swimming to me, I looked up after pulling him up, and I looked up and Ian had seen it! Ian was cheering and clapping, and had the biggest grin on his face!! It was fantastic!!! I almost would say that if I didn't see him do it myself, it would be hard to believe, but it did happen, and I was...AM so proud of him!!!


Sunday, December 02, 2007

Santa Claus is coming to town...

Today is my neice, Makayla's third birthday! Happy Birthday Makayla!! I can hardly believe it, and then I think, right... Chase is already one! Where does the time go???

Anyhow, last night Santa came to Nelson to light up the trees on Baker street. This is the first time I had seen it happen. Santa arrived in fashion...He came down Baker street in a fire truck, and then he was lifted in the crane up to the tree to throw "magical dust" on it, and PRESTO the tree lights up! The kids sure were excited to see Santa. I think what excited Chase the most was the fire truck...