Ok, but before I tell you what you won't believe, I have to start with the things that happened first in the day...
When I got Chase vaccinated the last time, the public health nurse was telling me about this "Toy lending library." What is that you ask? Well, it is a place that has toys of course, as well as books on parenting, and paints and craft things that you can buy at cost. Anyhow, what you do is pay $25 a year, and you borrow toys for up to a month at a time. (But you can change them as often as you like.) Anyhow, a friend of mine (Christine) and I went down to this place yesterday! Which, I have to tell you was great!!
There is this one toy that Chase looked at and played with every time we went to another store here in town, and let me tell you...When it was time to leave that store (and more importantly that toy) there was a temper tantrum!! (YIKES!!) What was this toy? A mini shopping cart! He loves pushing things around right now, and usually it's my chairs that are all over the house...Anyhow, to make a longer story shorter...At the toy lending library there was a shopping cart!! (The exact same one!!) Chase has been pushing it around, putting things in, taking things out, since we brought it home...he's really in his glory!!
Alright, now that I have told you that story, the most amazing thing ever!!! Yesterday was Chase's fifth swimming lesson! (Only three more after this one.) And we have been learning since day one to submerge them, and last week (the last class before yesterday) We did a qucik second release under water! Ok, very exciting!! So last night.....(I am bursting with excitement!!)
It just so happened to be, that when Chase had just finished swimming to me, I looked up after pulling him up, and I looked up and Ian had seen it! Ian was cheering and clapping, and had the biggest grin on his face!! It was fantastic!!! I almost would say that if I didn't see him do it myself, it would be hard to believe, but it did happen, and I was...AM so proud of him!!!
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