Friday, June 29, 2007

Ear Candeling....

Ever done it? I haven't. I was too chicken, but seen as how Ian didn't even wince, I figure he must be telling the truth that it "Really didn't hurt...." So what is it...right...I forgot that part. What it does is, extracts extra wax and/or impurities...It says on the packaging that sometimes you'll be surprised at what comes little bugs and stuff! GROSS!! As gross as it may be, it still is interesting.

This little piggy went to the market...this little piggy stayed home, this little piggy got a bandaid...

First Bandaid....Chase had gotten a sliver.

Friends??? Now that Chase is on the move...Kita really has to get creative to get away from him....Before she would hide out in her kennel, but Chase has figured out how to open and close the door for it.

Guess who cut their FIRST tooth??!!

Finally the little man cut his first tooth! Last night when he went to bed, his bottom gum was still quite swollen (as it has been the last couple days) and then this morning I went in to get him. I checked his gums again....And low and behold....The tooth cut through!!! YAY!!!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Have you ever heard of....

"Mongolian Spot?" If you look in this adorable picture down below you'll see Chase looks as though he has bruising on his bum, and up his back...No worries isn't!! It is found in babies of mixed races apparently...And although the Mexican in my blood is quite watered down Chase, like me has it...Of course mine is gone, but my mom told me that when I was born I too had it. I spoke with the doctors about it, and they told me that most children outgrow it by the time they are two years old...Interesting...

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Welcome home Shane!

Although we are yet to see you, you are home safe and sound...and we all coundn't be more happy! It's been a long journey,but you made it through it all! YAY!!!
~Coral, Ian, Chase, & Kita~

Saturday, June 16, 2007


So yesterday (June.15th) Chase CRAWLED!!! Although it's not perfected yet, what he does is this...He reaches forward with his arms, and pulls himself across the floor! He's quite strong and uses all upper body strength to do it! It's pretty darn cute! So there you have it...8 months, and 1 day old and he started to crawl!! I think from here on out, our hands will be pretty full. Chase is so determined. Once he has his mind set on getting something, he is after it!! Have I mentioned how much I adore this little man!!??

Chase & Kita ~both of my kids~

Growing like a weed...

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Guess who's 8 months old today!?!!

I can hardly believe that just 8 months ago, I was holding Chase and in complete shock that I had a baby only hours earlier! Being a mom sure makes you incredibly such a wonderful way!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Happy 30th Birthday Rhiannon!

Although I phoned, wrote it on facebook, and put it as a message on MSN....HAPPY 30th BIRTHDAY my dear! I hope that you are having a spectacular time with Rod & Emily!!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Innocence of a baby...

My new favorite picture...(Thanks Dana) May/07


Saturday, June 09, 2007

Just Chillin'

Chase & Dad

Chase, Maria, & Baby Harlan

What's with Paris Hilton?

Is her whining about a simple little rash, not a typical "rich kid" thing to do?! I'm in trouble so let's play the "poor me" card and see if I can't get myself out of jail?!! I could rant forever about the lack of justice that shows...Please anyone else would be in far more trouble...And so you should be!!

Well now that I got that off my chest...Ian got his cast off yesterday! He is quite happy about it, although the specialist did say it would another 6 weeks before he could go back to full duty at work! We're thinking Ainsworth tonight to help with the healing...And he has a massage booked for next week, and still have to book physiotherapy...but it's all coming together!

Our truck got fixed and looks great all for under $1000.00 so as unfortunate as it is to part with the cash...We are quite happy that it cost considerably less than we first expected! So I am back to loving my truck!!

My little guy, is doing pretty good, I think he isn't bothered too much by his teeth right now, so that too makes us all happy. Ian and I plan to be around the water quite a bit this summer (well, I suppose...we do live by a HUGE lake) so Ian went down to "Comfort & Joy" yesterday to buy a life jacket for Chase. The girl there told him that they were putting on a big sale tomorrow (which is today) because they are "officialy" changing their name to "Mountain Baby." So instead of making Ian come back down there today, she gave him the sale price!

Thursday, June 07, 2007


Is it just me or is Facebook equally annoying as it is fun...well maybe not fun, but certainly addictive. I wonder how long it will be before anyone reads this, and it's not like I could blame any of you...As it has been awhile since I been to anyone else's to read what's going on in all of your lives! (For shame...)
A quick update....(Before I get back to We are off to Trail tomorrow as Ian's ankle gets reassessed. The truck, for those of you who haven't heard that dilema, is STILL in the shop...Yes it went in this morning @ 8:30am!! Oh right...what happened?? The rear differential (sp?) rusted so bad that the oil was seeping through the metal...Now I don't know trucks or truck parts very well...but I knew that didn't sound good!! And it wasn't...We spoke with Toyota, and for a new part it would cost $1400.00 for just the housing!! YIKES!! (We must be planning a wedding!!) Anyhow, we went to the auto-wreckers and for the same part (of course second-hand) $400.00. And seen as how NO ONE has ever heard of this happening...we figure we should be pretty safe with a second-hand one!
Anyhow, I better get going...Oh right..and seen as how this site is about Chase...He STILL hasn't cut a tooth. They are right there, and we're all hoping they come through soon...the little man has had a tough go the last couple nights!! He still isn't crawling either...unless you count backwatds and around in circles...He has started (just today) to lift his knees under his belly though. It's pretty cute!! I sure love the little guy! ~ Time flies so quick!!