Friday, September 29, 2006


Well, today is my Mom's birthday (the day I predicted to have this baby...) So first & foremost, Happy Birthday Mom!!
As you can tell, I am still at home. Last night (Sept.28th) around 5:00pm contractions started picking up, and then quieted down a little bit while I was out grocery shopping, however they increased last night, through the night, lasting about 2 minutes, and coming every ten minutes! I thought for sure this was it, but alas they have calmed down again, and now I am left just feeling really tired. I think I will take Kita out for a small walk, close by the house and see if we can't get them started up again...
Wish me luck!!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

My Baby Girl...I can't have her feeling left out...

Kita is such a great dog. Ian and I are so lucky to have found her. I am so worried about her feeling left out and neglected when the baby comes...After all she is our first. I guess we'll just have to make sure she gets lots of walks and attention. She's pretty mellow, so I think she'll adjust pretty good. Here are a couple pics of her laying around in the yard...She was actually acting very silly, rolling around and what not before I took these...another victim to the camera!!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Sept.26th ~Almost 39 Weeks!

Here I am today...even sick, I still took a couple of pics for you Dani & Rhiannon!

Sept.26th ~Prenatal

Today was yet another prenatal appt. with Dr. Johannson. The baby has further dropped and she said "it" could come any day!! Contractions are still coming, but not frequent or regular. Just when I get up and walk around a bit...I guess that would explain why I have gained 5lbs in the last two weeks. That puts me at a total of 30lbs gained. Actually, I guess I had gained 5 & 1/2 in one week, and then this past week I lost 1/2 a pound. (Still for a total of 30lbs) Of course I ran out of my Diclectin (anti-naseau medication)on the weekend, and I had gone to the walk-in clinic, and the doctor there didn't want to refill my perscription, so I had to wait until today...Which of course, just my luck I was sick to my stomach this morning. Unable to keep anything down, I went to my appt. and my doctor gave me a new prescription! Thank goodness! I guess I am just one of those people that are going to be sick all nine months! Oh well...almost over!
I also asked again about my swollen hands (as it can be a sign of high blood pressure) but when she took that, it was 97/74. Definatley not the case...She said I just need to have this baby in order for them to go back to normal...OK!! So I told her I was still aiming for Friday...She said "See you then!"

Monday, September 25, 2006

Sept. 25th/06

Good Morning! Here it is about 7:00am, and I can't sleep! I am pretty impressed with all of your guesses, however right now I am cursing Shannon for picking the furthest date away so far, (even if it is YOUR birthday) and Maria, for picking the biggest weight...(LOL)

Also, just wanted to say..."HAPPY ANNIVERSARY RHIANNON & ROD!!" Two Years!! Wow!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Guess the DATE, SEX, WEIGHT, & LENGTH!!!

If you want your predictions known, just post them on the side, or email me them, and I will add them to the collection!! (I guess I should say that my due date is Oct.5th/06 for those of you who don't know...)
Here are some of your guesses so far....

*Ian~ BOY, Oct. 3rd (or 7th,) 8lbs, 18" long
*Coral~ BOY, Sept.29th, 7lbs 6ozs, & 19" long
Coral~ GIRL, Sept.29th, 6lbs 7ozs, & 19" long (Although it's not a girl!)
Rhiannon.C.~ GIRL, Oct.5th, 6lbs 9ozs, & 18" long...NOW SHE SAYS BOY!!
Rhonda.D.~ GIRL, Oct.1st after midnight, 6lbs, 19" long, black hair
Jessi.P.~ BOY
Sadie.G.~ GIRL, 6lbs 5oz, Sept.24th, 18" long, full head of hair
Jodi.C.~ BOY, 7lbs 2oz
Dani.J.~ GIRL, 7lbs 1oz, Oct.3, 16" long, & no hair
Aaron.H.~ BOY, Sept.27th, 7lbs 10oz, 20" long, full head of hair
Aaron.H.~ GIRL, Sept.27th, 7lbs 4oz, 18" long, hair
Dobber~ weight~ 8 records (LOL)
Kris.M.~ Sept.28th, 6lbs 12oz, 20" long
Tanya.H.~ Oct.8th, 8lbs, 20" long
Amy.T.~ GIRL, Oct.7th, 7lbs 7oz, 17" long
Cory.B.~BOY, Oct.8th, 7lbs 10oz, 19" long
Dustin.W.~ BOY, Oct.9th, 6lbs, 9oz, 16.9" long (another words 17" long Dustin!!)
Maria.M.~ GIRL, Oct.7th, 9lbs, 18.5" long
Shannon.S.~GIRL, Oct.14th, 7lbs 6oz, 20.5" long
Jen.K.~BOY, Oct.2nd, 7lbs 7oz, 20" long
Aleta.V.~BOY, Oct.8th, 7lbs 10oz, 18.5" long
Greg.P.~GIRL, Oct.9th or 10th, 7lbs 4oz
Chad.C.~GIRL, Oct.2nd, 8lbs 7oz, 19" long
Fayne.T.~BOY, Oct.7th, 7lbs 5oz, 19" long
Tamara.A.~BOY, Oct.6th, 7lbs 1oz, 20.5" long
Michel.S.~GIRL, Oct.1st, 6lbs 14oz
Ratz~GIRL, Oct.4th, 7lbs 4oz, 2:13am
Nan (My Grandma)~GIRL, Oct.5th, 7lbs 2oz, 8:00PM
Rob (step-dad) Oct.7th or Oct.11th

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


The time is crunching down!! I can't believe how fast these last 8 & 1/2 months have gone by! It's funny, I was talking with Dana a while back and she said that she had heard something while pregnant with Bella..."That the days of pregnancy can go by really slow, but that the weeks and months go by so fast..." How true!!
The Braxton Hicks are getting more frequent, and a little bit stronger. As well as this baby's hiccups! My appts. are weekly now, and as much as I am looking forward to meeting this new little person, I am a little dissapointed that the pregnancy will be over...Right now, I find it to be an extrodinary adventure. This baby totally depends on me...and my body is made for giving this baby what it needs! ~Wow!
Anyhow, hope that you are all well!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Brandy @ 27 Weeks!! ~ So a week ago...

Yet another couple cute pics of Brandy! Don't worry Bran...the time is almost up!!

Monday, September 18, 2006

Sept. 18th/06 ~Prenatal & Doula Appt.

So off I went to the doctor today. It was a good appointment other than they couldn't find my file...But I am sure it will be found, and everything will be fine. My doctor and I discussed a bunch of things from, the water birth, to the use or non-use of pain medication, and all of that. She said she thinks this baby is a GIRL!! What?!?! I guess we'll find out soon enough...I told her...In 11 days!
Tonight our Doula (Rhiannon) is coming over to discuss our birth plan and all of that. I am pretty excited for that. Ian should be good and tired as he has gone to ten hours days this week...(on top of the hour and 15 minute drive to and from the damn!!) Anyhow, I'll keep you all posted on how the meeting goes...

Tonight Ian and I met with our doula, she came to the house. I really enjoyed meeting with her to go over all that we hope to achieve with this labour. We both look forward to having an extra set of hands to help us with the events of the big day! And of course she scored extra points becuase her and Kita hit it off too!! ;)

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

It's that time ALREADY! 37 Weeks~Three left to go!!

Here's a picture of the nursery...(although it is not 100% finished) I still need to make curtains, find a nice area rug, and hang some art...but it's livable for now!

So here is the latest picture of "baby." He is wriggling around in there like crazy, which I think is just his way of saying that he'd like to come out and meet you all soon. Not much longer now! I think the best way to describe this moment in my life is...Exciting & nerve racking....
We look forward to introducing the newest member of our family fairly soon.
~Coral, Ian & Kita.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Labour Day Weekend '06

Here's a couple pics ~ Compliments of Ryan!

Friday, September 08, 2006

Just some pics of recent days....

Anna, Makayla, & Mom (Right before the move...gonna miss you guys!)

Makayla & Nan

Cam & Makayla

Pa & Makayla

Brad & Jaya

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Sept. 5th/06 ~Prenatal

So I went for my latest prenatal appt. The heartbeat was 140 beats a minute, and I have gained 1 pound in the last 3 1/2 weeks for a total of 25lbs gained. Things seem to be going faily well other than another bladder infection, but once again...It'll be ok! I have been saying for quite some time now that this baby and I have an agreement about coming a bit early, and it looks like I may have been right....The head is "engaged." So I guess we'll see. Lots of Braxton Hicks these days, accompanied by a bunch of pressure...
Ian and I have hired a doula, her name is Rhiannon...and we'll meet with her later this month to discuss our plans. My doctor also said that she still hasn't had the chance to do a water birth yet, so we may call in a midwife or of course the other doctor that has the experience. Either way, time is crunching down, and I've still got some stuff to do...
Hope this finds all of you well.
Take care,