Saturday, August 30, 2008

Hmmm...How do I make that work?!?!

I am not sure how to get the "chatterbox" working again, on my blog which is really disapointing ...I look forward to people writing on it to see what they think of the stories I have written...Hmm, I guess you just have to leave a "comment" (as Shannon says) the old way...underneath that particular story...

Anyhow, it has been awhile since I have written anything...So first, I had better say "Congrats" to:

Curtis & Sarah Aug.16.08

Jessi & Parick Aug.23.08

It was great to be a part of both of these couples special day!
But as I fear, I have already run out of time, and Chase is calling...So I wil post more pictures of both weddings later...

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Chase @ 22 Months...

The other day it came over me to tell Chase what he should say to Dadddy about smoking...

So now when you ask Chase "What do we say to Daddy about smoking?" He says "NO MOKE!!" (which of course means, "NO SMOKE!")

Also in this video at the very begining, he sees himself in the camera...

And then in another video, (that was too big to upload on here) he also points at trucks and stuff in his book. I have to explain one other thing though...He points to a telephone repair truck, I have told him once before I filmed this, that "Nana" worked for the telephone Company...I had no idea he associated my mom with the truck now...Bizzare!


This video contains graphic material...Chase puts his fingers up his nose repeatedly!
