Monday, January 12, 2009

This is for Dobber....

Well I must say that with all the "Facebook" addictions out there, I really had thought that no one ventured away to read this little blog...But to my surprise...Dobber wrote and said that he misses reading up on Chase! So Dobber...thank you, and this is for you!
Well, here it is already 2009, and Chase will be 27 months (exactly) in a couple of days! He is still a big boy, and he continues to amaze me daily, with the things he can do.
He has now for months, known all of his colours, but will play games with you, and see if YOU are paying attention, and will call "blue" "red"..or something like that...If you are watching him when he does that you will notice the little spark in his eyes! He also started calling Ian "Colg" which makes me laugh and laugh. Every now and then he will try and call me "Coral" but it sounds more like "Croo-al."
This winter Chase has found a new love for "Snow Boating" a.k.a tobogganing! Even on our nightly walks, we bring the little toboggan, and he flops in, to be pulled around! Kita loves to chase after it barking and acting like a maniac herself!
Christmas this year was a lot of fun. We went to Spokane from the 19-22nd and Chad met us down there. We took Chase to the carousel in River Front Park, and he loved it!! Chad, Ian, and myself all took Chase once each, so he was in his glory. He walked around the carousel picking out which horse he wanted to ride on each time...
Then we headed up to Cranbrook. Chase got to play his his cousin Makayla for the first time. She was a bit nervous of his boisterous attitude, but warmed up to after a short while. Chase also had a lot of fun playing with Emily, (Chippett) running around the house as fast as the could in circles, while Emily's baby sister Abby watched. Brandy also brought Brooklyn & Riley over! Riley was certainly on a "taking down the tree" mission, however he did not succeed!! We were also lucky enough to see Dana and Angus up at Idlewild on Boxing Day! (There were a few of us who made it up there.) And then as the time got closer to the end of our visit, my family did a big group photo shoot @ the Super Store. (One of my uncles, my brother, and my oldest nephew weren't in the picture though)
Later that night, a few of us got together and went for dinner @ Frank's. It was a nice end to the holidays..and now it's time to start/continue the goals for the new year!
Hope this finds you all well!
~Wishing you the best in 2009!!~

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