Friday, November 02, 2007

1 Year Shots... :(

Yesterday we went for Chase's one year shots. Normally they give four needles at this apt. (One in each appendage) but we decided to only give him three and then three the next time instead of four and then two. We are waiting to give him the chicken pox vaccine. (Not to mention, because we are going to Mexico in April, we also got his Hep. A Vaccine last Saturday!!) I must say though, last weekend, when he got his Hep.A. vaccine, and for his 6 month shots he didn't even cry at all. Yesterday he did, but not much...and he calmed right down when I shook the Tic-Tac container for him!! I never did get the actual weight and height for Chase yesterday, I forgot...But the public health nurse did say that he is still in the 90 percentile for his height, & just above the 70 percentile for his weight! She too commented on what a happy boy he was, and also how lack of voice was definitely NOT a factor the development of his voice! ;)

So there you have it everyone, Chase is still a happy, healthy big boy!! (Did I mention...adorable!? I probably won't get away with saying such "Mom" things for too much longer...I have to get it all in now...)

Hope this finds you all well!

I forgot to mention, as of now, Chase has had four haircuts!! I am sure that doesn't REALLY matter to any of you, but I was just so amazed! As soon as I starting "buzzing" it, it grows like a weed! All of those haircuts have been from July onward!! Pretty crazy!

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