Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Bryan & Jamie ~ To the airport today...

In a short while we will be taking Bryan and Jamie to the airport, and they will be flying back home to Seattle.
They came for ten days, and wow...did that ever go by fast. Hard to believe that we will be heading home on Saturday!! This morning Ian has already taken Chase to the pool to swim, and we are all getting ready to head down to Kahului (where the airport is) We will go for lunch, say good bye to them, and then Ian, Chase, and myself will go to the aquarium. Chad and Fayne (of she comes will come back in awhile, pick us up, and then we will probably go and do some shopping?? You never really know...Things seem to change by the minute here...
Last night we went to a place called "Sansei." Now for anyone who loves sushi...Here is your place. However, you need to make a reservation...and earlier better than later, because it fills up fast. I don't like sushi...But Bryan, Chad, & Ian went nuts!! I forgot to take pictures of the first few (4-5) rolls, but got some of the others...this first one, is the one that I ordered, wrapped in soy paper instead of seaweed.
The night before that...Well that was the day after the tsunami warning...Chad and Ian went for a scuba dive that day, so when they came home they were exhausted...AND IT RAINED ALL DAY, so we went to a place called the "Pineapple Grill" This place...over-priced, for mediocre food. Not recommended at all.
Chad had an interesting meal there too, and I will post that picture later too.
(Chad's dinner)

Anyway, for now I should get going. I am rambling again...

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