Monday, May 26, 2008

Soap Lake, USA

On Memorial Day Weekend, we headed down south for a memorial service, for the family's (Colgur side) long time family friend. And although it was a bit of a somber trip, it was really nice for Ian & Chad to get to see some of the "kids" they grew up with during their summer vacationing spots down across the border. Of course, they too are grown with children....
Chase "played" with the other kids, and by this I mean...screeched and danced beside where the other kids were palying!
It was also nice for Chase to see Uncle Chad so soon after seeing him in Mexico! He went right to him, and took his hand...Of course he did lead him straight to the sprinkler that Ian and I had told him to stay away from!!! I guess that's what uncles are for!!
Anyhow, it was an especially long weekend for Chase, doing so much travelling and all....not sleeping for naps...YIKES...but he did pretty good. And when he started to get really wild, I took him to this park across the street to burn some energy. In the picture up top, he was running so fast (as he ALWAYS does) and was looking back at me to make sure I was still chasing him!!! Crazy little guy!!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Next Picaso?

This was the first time I gave Chase chalk, and let me tell you...He was so excited, he was vibrating! His whole little body just shook, he was SO excited to be able to draw all over the place! (This was yesterday after the rain)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

18 Month public health nurse stop. (A month behind)

Chase never naps anywhere other than his crib, but this particular day, he refused to have a nap so at 4:45 he became so tired, that he just couldn't keep his eyes open anymore and had a nap on the couch!So before I forget all the important details of our trip to the public health nurse today, I had better write it all down!!

Chase is STILL in the 75 percentile for both his height & weight (Slightly higher for his height, but still in the 75th) Today he had to get three shots, because on our last trip he was supposed to get four, and then only three this time, but I didn't want him to have four last time, so it was three and three. She told us that the two in the arms both usually sting a bit, but Chase barley made a peep, and only for on of the ones in the arm! (Thank goodness!!)
I was very shocked to know that Chase is only weighing 28lbs! I thought for sure it was like 75!! Just kidding! But I really did think he was about 30! He sure feels like it!
After we was done with his shots, we went to CCRR and rented some new toys...Chase picked out a toy bus, and I picked him a container full of trucks, planes, helicopters, and trucks! He is certainly a "boys" boy...HE LOVES MACHINERY!!!

I'll have to put some more pictures up later, because I don't have time right now!
Hope this finds you all well!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Busy Busy Busy...

Happy Victoria Day!!
~Hope you all are enjoying your long weekend~

I don't really know where the time goes....It's not like I am super woman saving the world or anything...I'm just plain old boring me, and yet the days seem to fly by quicker than ever! Since coming home from Mexico, Vancouver, & Cranbrook (three weeks ago) It's been the same old, cleaning the house, playing with Chase, endless amounts of laundry, and yet it's already nearing the end of MAY!!! Where does the time go!?!?

While we were in Mexico, I really did notice big changes in Chase. I usually don't notice "smaller" stuff, just from being with him everyday, but I noticed how much he seemed to grow up while we were down there! My poor little guy has a whole bunch of bruises up and down each of his legs because he fears nothing! & climbing.

While we were in Mexico, I would stand in the pool and my mom would hold Chase's hands, I would count to three (which very soon he would anticipate) and then she would let go and he would jump in to the pool to me! NO FEAR!!

Running down the walkways, no big deal to him...his little awkward steps on the uneven ground! He also has learned that if steps are too steep or there is too many of them, he will turn around and go down backwards, or wait for you to take his hand! (This was a big relief to me!!)

I can't believe how fast it goes...


Sunday, May 18, 2008

Friday, May 02, 2008

We did it....Got married that is.

After ten years and a couple of months...Ian and I got married in Mexico, April 15, 2008. (We now share our anniversary with Keltie's birthday!!) The ceremony was at 4:00pm on the Tuesday, and it was so, so, so hot that the guys were just soaked by the time it was all over. Even in linen, the sun was incredibly hot. Chase held up well considering, but felt much better I am sure when we had dinner in the air-conditioned restaurant "Portifino" which was Italian. While in Mexico, myself, my aunt, (Laura) and my uncle, (Don) all got food poisoning...Don's was just a touch the first day, and Laura was able to take gravol and settle it a bit, although hers was more than one day...Mine was during the night, and in to the next day where I couldn't even get to Chase in the crib beside me...Thank goodness for Chad & Fayne...the were the all day babysitters while Ian took his mom in to Puerto Vallarta for the day to do some shopping. I think it was really nice for Chase to get to spend that quality time with his aunt & uncle though...even if I was deathly sick! Shane had missed his flight, but was able to catch one the next day @ 1:00pm. I just about had a nervous breakdown!! ;)
There were so many people that had hoped they could come but for one reason or another in the end weren't able to, and just to let you all know, you were all missed & thought of....
Anyhow, I should get going...I'll put more pics up afterwards!
~Love Coral