Monday, August 27, 2007

August 24th-26th /07

~The boys on the go~ Landon is Chasing Chase--------->

This past weekend we went to Cranbrook. It was a very quick trip as we didn't get to Cranbrook until about 10:30-11:00pm on Friday! Then a couple of us (Cori, Landon, Rhiannon, Emily, Chase, & myself) went to Rotary Park for a play date! Emily is such a busy little girl, she was off running about, swinging on swings, climbing monkey bars, and just plain exploring.... Rhiannon was on her feet quite a bit!!! (Cori & I were marveling @ what life will be year!!) It was so nice to see all of you, and to meet little Landon!! Here are a couple pictures.~Coral
Rhiannon & Emily
(Up top)
Cori & Landon

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