Monday, August 06, 2007

What a wonderful long weekend!

This weekend started off quite nice.... After Ian was off work on Friday, we packed up and headed for the beach...(Like that is unusual these days)

We met up with Jess and Dana and headed out on the boat. It was really beautiful and we had a lot of fun. Chase loves the motion of the boat. He has little cat naps on the lake! After we got home from the beach, Chase took another tumble! Poor little guy....His nose is so banged up!! My heart aches whenever I look at his little face!

Saturday, we headed over to Castlegar and checked out stuff at Rona (as we are going to gut our upstairs bathroom, hopefully soon.) Saturday night, we all went to Christine, Ryan, & Mattaya's house for a delicious BBQ! Kristi & Luke were in town, so it was nice to have a little visit with them as well!! (In this picture it goes: Sadie~Coral~Chase~Kristi~Christine~Mattaya~Kime)

Sunday afternoon Ian, Chase, Kita, and myself headed back out to the beach. We were meeting up with Jess, Dana, Daryl, Shona, Riley, Dylan, & Hali...It was so nice in the sun. We picked up one of those "floating crabs" for Chase....He loves it!!! I'll post a picture of what I mean later...Then last night (Sunday night) we went out to Jess & Dana's for dinner (which was absolutely delicious!! YUM) but before we went out there I have to tell you what Chase did!! I took the gate down that is at the bottom of the stairs, and I blocked my hands around him (in case he were to stumble or fall) and he climbed both flights of stairs to Ian at the top!! Before this, he had only ever climbed one step!! I was so amazed once again with his obvious brilliance!! ;)

Today we finished off this fun-filled weekend out in Proctor. Ian and I took Chase & Kita to one of the beaches out there. I think this year might be one to be remembered in...that I actually might end up with a tan ....(One that everyone else notices as a tan that is!! ) Anyway, here is the picture of the crab! Chase seems to think this is pretty cool! ~Coral

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