Wednesday, January 20, 2010

30 things about Chase

3 years old = 30 things about Chase.

1. Chase starts every day with boundless energy.
2. Chase has a sensitive heart, and easily his feelings get hurt.
3. His laugh is contagious, and is one of my favorite things to hear.
4. Since I can remember Chase has loved the water, never feared it.
5. The first phrase Chase ever said was "I love you." ~Directly from the book "Snuggle Puppy"
6. Chase knew all of his colours by the time he was 22 months.
7. Although some days are tough being a mom, there is nothing I have EVER enjoyed more. I think it's because I have such a great kid.
8. Chase's favorite colour has been orange for ever!
9. He has always been a good sleeper...He started sleeping through the night when he was 1 month old.
10.When Chase is frustrated with us, (his parents) he calls us by our first names.
11. Chase once ran out in to the road and was almost hit by three different vehicles...To date, scariest day of my life.
12. Chase tells me he talks with angels, and said he has two... both ladies.
13. Hates vegetables, expect for corn on the cob, and broccoli sometimes.
14. Chase started walking when he was 9.5 months old.
15. Chase has love of books, will immediately stop what he is doing to be read to.
16. Ever since Chase started eating solid foods he has HATED potatoes...This still continues in every form...Mashed, Hasbrowns, French Fries, and potato chips!
17. Chase weighed 7lbs 14oz when he was born, and consistently remained in the 75th-90th percentile at every check-up!
18. Chase hates to wear slippers and housecoats.
19. Chase loves to be tickled.
20. Chase calls tobogganing "Snow Boating."
21. Chase is passionate, whether it be anger or happiness!
22. Chase knows almost all there is to know about "Thomas the Train."
23. Chase was potty trained 1 month before his third birthday.
24. When Chase is really excited, his eyes sparkle.
25. Although Chase doesn't get to see his little cousins all they time, (Brennan, Sadie, Clea, & Makayla) he talks about them all the time..and tells me he misses them.
26. Chase has a big heart.
27. Chase adores his Dad.
28. Chase thinks babies are really great. He practically climbs in to random strollers to get a closer look.
29. Chase has a little red birthmark on the side of his nose.
30. Because of Chase, he makes the world I live in... a wonderful place!

1 comment:

  1. I think you also must add that Chase absolutely adores his Mom as well! In fact I am willing to bet that Mom is porbably his favourite person!
