Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Oct.10th/06~Prenatal Apt.

Well hello everyone, sorry to keep you all in suspence. I had a prenatal apt. today, and as always Dr. Johannson checked my blood pressure, but this time it was up...Normal for normal people, but mine is usually very low, and because it had gone up just over 20 points in one week, I found myself at the hospital today for a non-stress test, blood work, and of course the famous peeing in a cup! The baby's activity has lessened a bit, so I had two choices today, one was to induce, and second was to be at the hospital tomorrow morning @ 8:00am for another non-stress test. They also called in the OBGYN and he said no to get too panicked, and that we'll see what happens tomorrow....
I go back in the morning, and I may be induced. If the baby's activity is fine, I may wait. It really all depends on the health of the baby.
So...There it is folks, my scary day at the hospital. I would have wrote sooner, but my computer was acting up and I couldn't get on line. Hope this finds you all well.

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